Sunday, January 31, 2010
The discovery of a python snake black thick-haired man just appalling citizens. This python snakes have long hair with about 15-20 cm.
This snake was first found Ade Wahyudin (23), RT 02 Kel 04/RW. Lemahmekar, Kec. Kab. Indramayu time with her friend went to the tourist area Cibulan, Kab. Brass, Thursday (28 / 1) at 12.00.
Hundreds of curious residents who fought to see the snake-haired oddity that is inserted into the aquarium by this inventor.
"At the time I'm on a pilgrimage with friends. Then there are those who shout. After I approached the man showed a snake coiled under the tree. We captured snakes were silent," said Ade.
Ade said, after the arrest, which was a snake about 3 feet in length has a rarity. Snake's head has hair just like humans.
"Strange indeed, I found python was right in his head have hair like humans," he said pointing to the snake.
Sanca strange act is named Ade "The long-haired". "The reason these snakes have hair long enough.'s Why I love the name The long-haired," he said.
Check out the video here!
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